Meet the Clarke Family.

Kendra and Tanner were missionaries in Germany (can you find Germany on a map?) in a city called Düsseldorf (try learning to spell that!) through a program called the Journeymen program.  They were supported by the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention.

Any idea which river this is that runs through Germany?  If you guessed the Rhine River.  You’re right?!

Hear about their spiritual and physical journey to Germany, their country of ministry.

We also asked the Clarkes to share a little about their life on mission in Germany.  We asked them questions like:

  • What was the spiritual climate of Germany?  In other words, what do people in Germany believe about God?
  • Was it hard to tell people in Germany about Jesus?  Why?
  • What was their strategy for sharing the Gospel in Germany?
  • How did they create relationships with people?

Do you remember from their first video where the financial support to go to Germany and live came from?   Their Journeyman program was supported by the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering, a yearly offering organized by the Women’s Missionary Union to raise support for international missions.  Learn more about Lottie Moon and her namesake missions offering:

Kids can make a difference!  Maybe your group can support missionaries by raising or earning money to give to missionaries through the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering?  Brainstorm, set a goal, and join together to financially support missionaries around the world in their work of building relationships in order to share the life-changing Gospel message!