Every year…. we like to take time to pray for each country in the continent we are studying.  Imagine what could happen if the Passport Nation rose up in prayer for ALL the nations!

During a typical school year schedule we pray for Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean in the fall… and South America in the spring. The following is a suggested schedule that will allow your group to continue to pray through the countries of South America during the second semester of the school year. (See Semester 1 for the Fall Prayer Schedule.)

Links to the Prayercast website are provided below.  We like this site because it features local men and women praying simple, but powerful prayers for their own countries.  They model well how we can pray for their people.

Please preview the prayer videos beforehand to make sure they are appropriate for your group.

Suggested Spring Schedule

Week 1 General Prayer to Begin the Semester
Week 2 Ecuador
Week 3 Peru
Week 4 Bolivia
Week 5 Chile
Week 6 Argentina
Week 7 Uruguay
Week 8 Paraguay
Week 9 Brazil
Week 10 French Guiana
Week 11 Suriname
Week 12 Guyana
Week 13 Venezuela
Week 14 Make Up Date – Prayer to End the Semester