Pack an OCC Shoebox

You’ve probably heard about Operation Christmas Child before…

Their website is incredibly helpful!  So many tools and resources can be found here.

Packing a Christmas shoebox for a child isn’t a new and cutting edge idea.  But it is a reliable, time-tested and proven method for serving those who need hope.

One amazing aspect of giving Christmas shoeboxes is that the shoebox is not the end.  Many times, the shoebox is the beginning.  The shoebox becomes an avenue for sharing the Gospel message because it is a tangible expression of love.  And then children and their families are transformed through the teaching and discipleship training they receive through The Greatest Journey Bible study.

Ultimately, giving a shoebox in Jesus’ name is a way to serve the world. So gather your family or group and encourage everyone to pack a shoebox or two.


The video by OCC linked below is very impactful and is a useful tool for helping us all understand the power of this simple project.

Watch Veronica’s Story

Add a personal touch by writing a letter and placing it inside the shoebox.


And then pray.  Pray for the boys and girls receiving the gifts to know they are loved by the sender of the box…. and loved by God.  Pray for the shoeboxes to bring hope and make an impact.


And finally, celebrate the goodness of God in allowing you to participate!
