If you’ve ever had the opportunity to visit another country, you’ve probably made two very basic observations:

  1.  Some things are very similar to your life.
  2.  Some things are very different from your life.

Watch this video that highlights a few aspects of life in India.  While you watch, look for similarities and differences from your own life.

After watching this video, what are some things that stood out to you?

Could you spot some similarities?  Some differences?  Chances are you noticed a mix.  Look at the list of examples below and talk about how they might be the same or different from your own life.

  • Traffic – India is a highly populated country with crazy, chaotic traffic!  Also, did you notice they drive on the LEFT side of the road?!
  • Types of Vehicles – did you notice the auto rickshaws and cycle rickshaws?  Those small, maneuverable vehicles are cost effective and perfect for crowded, busy streets.  Just be sure to keep your arms and legs inside!
  • Pollution – Did you notice the trash in the streets and water?  Environmental issues are not as highly prioritized in countries where poverty is prevalent and a large portion of the population is fighting for survival.
  • Infrastructure – what were your observations about the roads and buildings?
  • Worship – did you notice the Hindu Temple and the statues or representations of various gods in the temple?  But did you also notice the church of Jesus?
  • The beautiful sights and colors in the market
  • The beautiful people!  

It’s interesting to note that while we all have differences in our surroundings, our lifestyles, and our appearances, we all also share many things.  For example, we all want to be loved and have someone to love.  We all want to feel safe and protected.  We all share basic needs such as the need for food and water, the opportunity to learn, the opportunity to work and earn money, and ultimately, we all want to be free to worship God in whatever way seems right to us.

So while it is good to be exposed to different people, places, and lifestyles, it’s also good to remember that we usually share more in common with others than we have differences.  It is a good discipline to watch and listen and learn and look for opportunities, not to judge, but to serve and respond to others with love.