You Have Questions…

We have answers!

Let’s start with a couple of basic questions we’ve heard often:  What is Passport and why would we want to use it?  

We’ll give you our answer to this one in video form…

Next question:  But why Passport?  Why would we choose Passport over another missions curriculum on the market?

Again, let’s take this one on with a vid…


Do the various years of curriculum need to be used in a particular order?

No.  But….. we do HIGHLY suggest beginning with Passport to Latin America.  It is a really good “getting on” spot.  It is probably the easiest, most familiar content. As a result, using this curriculum first allows users (teachers) to learn the rhythm of the curriculum while teaching easier, more straightforward content. After that, travel wherever… whenever!

You say there are 5 years of curriculum, but I don’t see products available for all of the years?

Well, we’re still a work in progress.  Future years of curriculum are in various stages of development.  We are working hard and will make them available as soon as they are ready!


What is the target age group for this curriculum?

Elementary-aged kids are the sweet spot (esp. 2nd – 6th), but the curriculum can be adapted for children as young as kindergarten or as old as junior high.  And honestly, it can also be used in a multi-aged or family setting with adults learning as they teach the kids!


Ok, what’s up with the Gospel presentations?  Can you explain the concept behind how those are structured?

Do I have to use all of the content?

A resounding NO is our answer.CHOOSE WHAT YOU USE!That’s our motto! For the full year of curriculum, one and a half hours of content is provided for approximately 32 weeks, but you don’t have to use it all. Passport is organized “buffet style”, so you can adjust what you use based on the specific parameters of your situation. Passport is organized in sections (designated by easily recognizable icons), so pick and choose which content is appropriate for your particular setting/situation/day.  For example, leave off one of the content blocks and add in 15 minutes of recreation time to tone down the academics and increase the fun zone. Don’t have singers or a band?…. don’t sweat it!  Leave off the music. Have the opposite situation? – want worship time? Fine.  Leave off geography and spend 15 minutes praising the Lord instead. Only have an hour? Ok. Keep 60 minutes of the essentials such as Share the Word, God is Creator, pray and stamp the passport books!  D.O.N.E. with art projects? Ok, skip the next one and allow a little more practice time for the gospel presentation.  Flexibility is our middle name! – so choose what you use!  


We want to use Passport during the summer.  How can we modify the time frame? 

Simple!  Just choose the 3 month or 6 month subscription (depending on how much planning and implementation time you require).


We need more than 32 weeks of curriculum.  Is there enough content to accommodate that?  

Sure is!  We’ve loaded the website with more content than is needed to allow for choices!   

We also have solutions for adding and subtracting weeks. [See what we did there?!]
How to add:

  • Review week – practice geography, music, scripture, or the gospel presentation without adding any new content.  Great idea to do this at the end of Semester 1 or beginning of Semester 2 [you know, to clear the cobwebs!]
  • Use a week to participate in and/or celebrate a group mission effort!
  • Plan a party!  For example, at the end of Semester 1, put on a cultural Christmas party.  Ideas are found in the Community section of this website.  End of Semester 2, plan an End-of-Year party and allow students to demonstrate what they’ve learned for parents or the church.
  • Host a mock Geography Bee.  Just compile a list of geography questions from throughout the semester, encourage students to practice and participate, oh, and offer a prize to the winner!

How to subtract:  Probably the easiest place to eliminate a week is in the Map It section or geography in general.  That section has more content than all of the rest of the sections so it’s an easy place to drop a lesson.  Life will go on. 

Need answers to other questions?  Reach us through the Contact Us button at the bottom of each page!