Natasha Davidson, Edinburg, Scotland

Meet Natasha Davidson who lives and works in the Niddrie Scheme (the equivalent of a project or low income neighborhood in America) in Edinburg, Scotland.

Life in ministry has its particular challenges, but also its joys and blessings.  We asked Natasha to share some challenges she faces as she lives and works in Niddrie.


Natasha also shared a couple of life-on-life stories that demonstrate the principle of discipleship:  others poured the gospel message into her life so that she could turn to Christ, be forgiven of her sins, and changed into the likeness of Christ.  Today, she is doing the same for others – reading the Bible with them, teaching them and loving them.  Offering help and hope.



Merciful Father, we pray for these two children, that you would bring emotional and spiritual healing to their hearts and minds.  Magnify yourself in their eyes, and remind them in a way they can see and feel, that you have all resources at your disposal to be their help in time of need.  May they know that you are completely for them. Even in their trials and pain, help them not miss the good you have for them. Give Natasha, and others in spiritual leadership at their church, discernment to know how to best come alongside these beloved children, so they cooperate with your good purposes for their lives.  Lord, we wait on you to move. Bring beauty out of the ashes of their lives in a way that becomes a monument to your faithfulness.  In Christ’s name we pray.  Amen.