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The pyramids that are found in Egypt today were designed and constructed by the ancient Egyptians. It took tens of thousands of workers and many years to build these structures that were used as tombs for their dead pharaohs.  It was originally thought that the tombs were erected by slave labor, but later it was surmised that more skilled labor was used to build the pyramids.  Engineers, carpenters, stonecutters and surveyors would join efforts by using advances made in math to determine the amount of stone needed, angles, and placement of the pyramids.

Check out some images of the Egyptian pyramids at Giza, Egypt – one of the 7 Wonders of the World in our “Live It! Slice of Life in Africa” photo collection. (The pyramids are some of the last photos in the collection.)

In the spirit of studying Egyptian pyramids, let’s make our own “replica” of the Egyptian Pyramids using sugar cubes!


Supplies Needed:

  • Sugar Cubes -1lb. box contains about 126 cubes; the 4×4 template above uses 30 cubes
  • White glue
  • Card Board, 4 ½ “x 4 ½ “ cut out square
  • Scissors
  • Small plate (for paint)
  • Light brown paint
  • Medium brown paint
  • Dark brown paint
  • Paint Brush
  • Cup of water
  • Paper towel

Download pyramid template here.

Cut out the 4×4, 3×3 and 2×2 squares.



Begin with a pre-cut 4 ½ “x 4 ½ “ piece of card board, 4×4 template, 16 sugar cubes and glue.  Using the glue, glue the back side of the 4×4 template onto the center of the card board.


Squeeze an ample amount of glue onto each square of the template.



Glue the sugar cubes onto the 4×4 template covering all of the numbers.




Keep a tight formation with the sugar cubes 🙂

Next, use the 3×3 template and 9 sugar cubes.  Center and glue the back side of the 3×3 template on top of the 4×4 sugar cubes.


Place glue on the numbers until the template is complete.  Place the sugar cubes onto the glue dots.





Again….. tight formation!

Next step: use the 2×2 template and 4 sugar cubes. Center and glue the back side of the 2×2 template on top of the 3×3 sugar cubes.



Glue the sugar cubes onto the 2×2 template following the numbers until the cube is complete.



At this point, we started painting because we didn’t realize that we had forgotten to put the last final sugar cube on top. Don’t be like us. Go ahead and put the final sugar cube on top BEFORE you begin painting.


Now, it’s time to start painting!  Using all 3 shades of paint (lightest color last), bounce the brush up and down onto the sugar cubes.  Continue this technique until the sugar cubes are brown and look like sand.






Allow the glue to set and the paint to dry.  You have now completed your “sweet” Egyptian pyramid!

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