LAborder - 4

Then God said, “…let birds fly in the air above the earth.” God also made every bird that flies and saw that this was good.
Genesis 1: 20-21

South America is a continent with an abundance of birds. In fact, there are over 3,000 species of birds that live in South America or that migrate to the area.

The birds live in all areas – from the mountain ranges to the beautiful, tropical rain forest. A short list of South America’s iconic birds includes the macaw, the toucan, the flamingo, the harpy eagle and the condor.


Harpy Eagle || source


Andean Condor || source


Macaw || source


Toucan || source

Let’s enjoy a project that highlights a couple of these amazing birds!

For this project you will need:

  • Toucan template, printed on white cardstock
  • Macaw template, printed on white cardstock
  • Oil pastels or crayons
  • Paper towels
  • Completed project samples:

Toucan Completed Sample

Completed Toucan Sample

Macaw Completed Sample

Completed Macaw Sample



1. Choose a template from the options above.

2. Select several of the oil pastel colors that would be appropriate for your type of bird.  Use them to fill in your drawing.  The bright colors filled in fully make a big impact!

3. You can layer the colors and blend them together using another pastel or your finger, as in the macaw image provided.

4. Use the paper towels to clean the pastels off your fingers, especially when changing colors.

Marvel at God’s creative genius as you enjoy creating your beautiful bird!

LAborder - 4