Meet Natasha Davidson, Missionary in Edinbrook, Scotland.  Hear her story:

Can you imagine what it’s like to have never read the Bible or heard the story of Jesus until you became an adult?

But listen as Natasha tells how God overcame her unbelief.

It’s a beautiful thing to see that with God, nothing is wasted.  God can even take our pain and use it for good.  Natasha allowed God to use her experiences with pain and brokenness to serve and help others.

“Nothing in our life is ever wasted with God!”  God is in the business of making all things new and bringing life from death.  When Natasha allowed God to heal her heart and give her new life, she was then able to lead others through the same journey.

You can encourage Natasha by praying for her.

  1. Pray for wisdom as she continues in her role at Niddrie Community Church as the Children and Families Worker.
  2. Pray for her family members who do not know Jesus.
  3. Please pray that she would continue to grow in her love for Jesus and that she would always be bold in sharing the gospel.

If you would like to hear more from Natasha or support her as she ministers and serves in Scotland, you can reach her at the following:

To find out more about the ministry of 20 Schemes, visit their website at