Geography Quiz!

  • In which direction does the longest river in Africa flow?
  • What is the name of the very famous explorer/doctor/missionary to Africa in the 1800s?
  • Do you know the name of the large island off the Eastern coast of Africa?
  • What is the primary religion practiced in the Northern region of Africa?
  • Name three countries in Africa that begin with the letter Z.
  • Name the European country that is separated from Africa by the Strait of Gibraltar.

Interested in finding the answers to these questions and

learning more about the fascinating continent of Africa?

Passport to Africa is a tool to help you do just that.

The Passport to Africa curriculum offers content focused on the continent of Africa.  Choose access length based on your program needs.  For example, Choose a one year subscription to access content before and during a full school year.  Passport Camp is a 5-Day offering for summer.  Choose shorter access to accommodate a six week summer program or a 5 Day Club. With any of these options, kids will engage in a fun, immersion type experience that is chock-full of food tasting, art projects, missionary studies, prevalent religions, unreached people groups, hands-on (literally!) geography activities, and maybe a song and a verse or two in Swahili….. And “wah-lah”…. we bring the African world to life! 

Where We’ll Go…

Destination – Africa!

Exciting stops on our journey include the beautiful country of Morocco on the Mediterranean Sea,

the vast Sahara Desert, the Sinai Peninsula, Lake Victoria and the northward flowing Nile River,

the Serengeti, the Red Sea, the Horn of Africa, the newest country in the world – South Sudan,

Mt. Kilimanjaro, the island nation of Madagascar, and many, more exotic locations.

What We’ll Do…

  • Find out what a rondavel is and paint one
  • Learn John 3:16 in Swahili. Yes, really!
  • Eat Green Mealie Bread
  • Create a tissue paper collage of an African woman
  • Make a paper bead necklace
  • Sip mint tea and taste an olive
  • Create a one-of-a-kind Model Magic map of Africa
  • Raise money for clean water wells
  • Gag on some Injera!
  • Learn to tie a Tuareg tagelmust
  • Cut out a safari animal paper chain!
  • Create a sand camel art project
  • Rap your way through the African countries
  • Paint your own Batik cloth
  • Go on a Map Scavenger Hunt
  • Sing some songs in Swahili

Is the trip worth it?

While the exciting experiences on this journey will capture the imagination of these young travelers, the true worth of the trip is measured in their encounter with God. Thoughtful activities such as…

  • praying for the people in each country in Africa
  • deepening our understanding of the Five Pillars of Islam and the Five Pillars of Christianity
  • developing compassion for the plight of unreached people
  • following the footprints that daring missionaries, such as David Livingstone and Lillian Trasher, left across the African continent
  • and fleshing out what it means to serve the world

….. these experiences all stretch the hearts of kids.

But the capstone event on this journey is a consistent investment in helping kids understand the “Gospel Threads”.  Kids learn that different colored threads of the gospel are woven together to create a tapestry of grace that is offered to all. Monthly memory verses gird up the precepts in this little booklet. And really, can you think of anything more important to teach in a missions curriculum than how kids can…

know the truth, own the truth, and share the truth they have learned with others?

We can’t.

Want to preview a little bit of our classroom awesomeness?

So join us, and let’s go on mission together…. to the African nations!