20 Schemes

20 Schemes

{featured image courtesy of 20 Schemes} Schemes?  What is a scheme? Scheme is the term used in Britain or Scotland for a public housing complex often funded by the city government.   This type of housing exists so that people with financial need can buy or rent at a...
Lottie Moon Christmas Offering

Lottie Moon Christmas Offering

{featured image courtesy www.imb.org} Meet the Clarke Family. Kendra and Tanner were missionaries in Germany (can you find Germany on a map?) in a city called Düsseldorf (try learning to spell that!) through a program called the Journeymen program.  They were...
Serving the Servants

Serving the Servants

For a missionary, life in their country of service can look very different than life in America. This lifestyle can sometimes be isolating and can become mentally and physically exhausting.  As a result, it is important for missionaries to have the opportunity to go...