by Tamarah Horton | Oct 2, 2020 | God is Provider, Passport to Europe
Background: The French have a nickname for the Eiffel Tower, La Dame de Fer, or “the Iron Lady.” Although at the beginning it was seen as “the ugliest building in Paris,” today, the Eiffel Tower is arguably Paris’ most beloved and...
by Madison Hall Perekotiy | Sep 24, 2020 | God is Provider, Passport to Europe
When you go to the grocery store, what do you see? Fruits, vegetables, buggies, aisles with boxes, checkout stations, and maybe a bakery? Just like every grocery store in America looks a little different, grocery stores all over the world are different too! Would you...
by Tamarah Horton | Sep 24, 2020 | Passport to Europe, SHARE
God’s Big True Story: Memory Verses As students work through the Gospel presentation, God’s Big True Story, a key goal should be to learn the items listed on the page below: the Bible theme and the memory verses for each teaching section of the Gospel...
by Tamarah Horton | Sep 14, 2020 | Europe, Passport to Europe, SHARE
Intro: When we read stories or books, the chapters can seem like pieces of a puzzle that the author is putting together for us in order to create the bigger picture. When the puzzle is complete, we understand the full story and can see how all of the pieces were...
by Tamarah Horton | Sep 14, 2020 | God is Savior, Passport to Europe
Meet the Perekotiy (per-eh-KOH-tee) family. They are missionaries in Odessa, Ukraine. THEIR FAMILY: They have four children in their family – Chambers, Lev, Mila and Remington. Their kids call their dad “Papa” like other kids in Ukraine, because he is from...
by Madison Hall Perekotiy | Sep 11, 2020 | Passport to Europe, SERVE
For a missionary, life in their country of service can look very different than life in America. This lifestyle can sometimes be isolating and can become mentally and physically exhausting. As a result, it is important for missionaries to have the opportunity to go...